The Bard Is only the beginning

For Adults


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the artist’s way

Zoom creative Sessions 12 noon-1 pm Thursdays

Want to refresh your creative spirit?  Inspired by the books of Julia Cameron, the group has varied widely from lawyers who write mysteries to musicians.  Each session is distinct so you can drop in for one session or connect for a month at a time. Now, weekly on Zoom, join a delightful group of folks facilitated by Ann Ciccolella (Artistic Director).

"The most engaging people are attracted to these Artist's Way groups, with the aim of connecting to their creativity and to meet like-minded individuals. We know that every person can unlock their creative spirit! So many people long to express it, but procrastinate for a myriad of reasons,” explains Ciccolella.

This series will help break down those barriers. Even if you have never done The Artist’s Way, you will learn to fuel your creativity and do what you have always wanted to do – release the power of your unique voice. If you have done The Artist‘s Way before, this class will serve a renewal of your Morning Pages, Artist's Dates and walking to discover inner passions and fears. Each session will continue activities that help to free yourself from jealousy, guilt and self-sabotage.

From one member: “Creativity in all its forms does not have to be a lonely road.  Artist Way connects you to wonderful people creating music, photography, poetry, novels, memoirs --- anything creative --- at a high level of commitment and purpose.  Julia Cameron’s ideas, activities, processes, listening to inner and outer voices and developing strategies to hone our craft on a daily basis is practical and inspirational.”

“Artist Way has been an oasis of inspiration, creativity and good friendships for me, a magical hour that helps me structure my week to remember to practice both joy and creativity.  It brings a smile to my face to think of it.  It reawakens the child in me,” from a regular Artist’s Way member.

From another participant: “Sometimes we finally reach a place where ambition beckons, creativity beckons, but we’re not sure how to get there. Artist’s Way provides a lively invitation, closer connection with your creative instincts, and surprisingly delightful steps toward daring to move forward. Ann Ciccolella creates the space where so many of us have said…’maybe I could…’ and then…we do! Creative, fun, and…you’ll surprise yourself.”

“Creativity in all its forms does not have to be a lonely road.  Artist Way connects you to wonderful people creating music, photography, poetry, novels, memoirs and indeed, anything creative at a high level of commitment and purpose.  AW is based on the books of Julia Cameron.  Her ideas, activities, processes, listening to inner and outer voices and developing strategies to hone our craft on a daily basis is practical and inspirational. “

“Ann Ciccolella is a charismatic facilitator who gently but firmly leads the way into the Artist Way thinking as expressed by Julia Cameron. Artist Way is a safe, happy and intellectually stimulating space for anyone working in the creative world.”

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playwriting WORKSHOPS

Taught by Artistic Director Ann Ciccolella and culminating in a showcase featuring professional actors performing dialogue from the scenes created during the sessions, these workshops encourage not only new writing but also advocates revising past work(s). It focuses on building conflict between characters at the core of dialogue through referrences to plays ranging from Stoppard to Shakespeare.

Participants have ranged from experienced playwrights to new-comers. All of them have learned from each other as well as from studying the work of master playwrights. - Ann Ciccolella



Broadway Associate Director, Conner Wilson (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child / Torch Song), comes to Austin Shakespeare bringing his fascination of the links between classical texts, the contemporary society we inhabit, and the ever constant goals of accessibility and clarity. He has had the good fortune of working on many brilliant classical works, and working with many brilliant contemporary playwrights.

  • Audition workshops share Connor’s 6 tips for nailing any audition. Using text from contemporary Broadway plays, this master class focuses on connecting with a reader, analyzing a side, and making auditions stand out above the crowd.

  • Monologue workshops help students take their Shakespeare monologues to the next level by going through each student's monologue focusing on clarity, text analysis, and making the audition uniquely stand out.

These workshops typically involve an intensive 90-minute work session and concludes with an optional 30-minute Q&A, where Conner answers any and all questions.


Shakes Aloud

The reading group for all Shakespeare lovers—not just actors! At Shakespeare Aloud! we read an entire play aloud (approximately one act each week), stopping to talk about images, characters, story line, ideas and experiences related to the play, or anything we find interesting. Open to all ages. $5 per session, 5-7 p.m. Sundays, no reservations required. Shakes Aloud! meets at First United Methodist Church Family Annex at 13th Street and Lavaca Street, however, during the pandemic sessions have been conducted online.

Instructor: Jill Swanson, Scansion and Text Specialist

Jill Swanson is an accomplished actor, director, writer, and over 13 years teaching with Austin Shakespeare. She assistant-directed A Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo and Juliet and was dramaturg for Measure for Measure. She leads workshops for the company's 20/20 Program. Jill wrote the chapter Introduction to Scansion in the book 111 Shakespeare Monologues and served as its co-editor. She also is a contributor to The Ultimate Scene Study Series for Teens Volume 1: 60 Shakespeare Scene. Jill studied Shakespeare at Florida State University and directing at Texas State University.